Douglas "Badger" Barnhart
Hello out there in cyberland. I am the eldest of the Barnhart children (41 as of the posting of this page), thus I got all the charm, and intelligence. I will admit that my sisters got the looks. I am a certified computer nut. I have been into computers for fourteen years, of which, the past eight years have been spent running Badger Enterprises. My company has been involved in consulting, custom programming, sales, training, and now the internet.
Some of my other interest include, photography, travel, art, music, and literature. My interest in photography grew out of displeasure with point and shoot pictures taken on a trip to Paris with my Dad, and sister Beth. I didn't feel that I had captured the feel of the trip, and undertook the task of improving my capability to do so. I spent a lot of money on equipment, and a lot of time learning from associates of mine, who are either professionals or very advanced ameteurs. Over the next few years I worked my way up to shooting weddings and product shots professionally. I have a black and white darkroom, which doesn't often get used now, due to the time requirements of my Internet projects. I truly love photograpy, and if I wasn't working with computers as my main profession, I am sure that I would be working in the photographic field.
Through the generosity of my father, I have had the opportunity to visit places that I have only dreamed of, or read about in books. So far our travels outside of the United States include, The Bahamas, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, England, and Switzerland. Aside from the photographic opportunities, I think that I have enjoyed the exposure to the people and cultures of these foreign lands the most. Let's see.... to sum up my other interest in a shorter fashion. I used to play guitar and bass in a rock band back when I was in High School. I was co-editor of my school newspaper. I was editorial cartoonist for the city newspaper, while in High School, and won several awards in art. I just didn't think I was good enough to make a living at it, but the experience has proven to be priceless in Web Page design. The only current love in my life is my cat, Leica, but hopefully that will change. If you have managed to work your way down to reading this...my hat's off to you. CIAO!
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